The Bermuda Industrial Union (B.I.U) was formed in 1946 and registered in 1947, it is a general union made up of some 18 semi autonomous divisions. Its membership is drawn from various industries, enterprises and occupations throughout the Island. Predominant among its member are "Blue Collar Workers".
The Union has some 22 collective agreements covering its full membership and includes approximately 60 employers and government. Some of these agreements are multi-employer agreements. In addition to its main role of organizing and negotiating on behalf of its members, the B.I.U takes an active interest, albeit without any offial party affiliation, in politcal discussions that affect its members. Economically, the Union has encouraged, amoung its membership to participate in worker enterprises such as co-operatives. In this category there are the B.I.U Taxi Transportation CO-OP for Taxi membership and the Credit Union.
Additionally, the Union owns and operates a gas station, rents the Liberty Theatre, several commercial units and bachelor apartments.
To secure the complete organization in the Union of all workers (employees) employed in trades, industries, crafts and occupations. To obtain and maintain just and proper salaries, wages, rates of pay, hours of work and other conditions of employment, and generally to protect and advance the interest of employees in general. Regulate the relations between Employees and Employers and between the workers. The Bermuda Industrial Union will continue to promote legislation in the interest of all its members.
Bermudian workers made sporadic attempts to organize themselves since the 1800's, but it was the Bermuda Workers Association (BWA), founded in 1944, that paved the way for change that went beyond improved working conditions for Bermudian workers. The BWA, later to become the Bermuda Industrial Union, was the vehicle through which Dr. Edgar Fitzgerald Gordon parleyed his considerable leadership ability to win legal recognition for unions and to lay the groundwork for the political transformation of Bermuda that came after his death in 1955. Read more








Sitting Members of the Bermuda Industrial Union Executive Board:
General President, Bro. Chris Furbert, JP
1st. Vice President, Bro. Glen Simmons
2nd. Vice President, Bro. Louis Somner
General Secretary, Sis. H. Molly Burgess, JP, OBE
Assistant General Secretary, Bro. Graham Nesbitt
Treasurer, Sis. Renee Jones
Chief Organiser, Bro. George A. Scott, JP
Education Officer, Bro. Collin Simmons
Research Officer, Bro. Arnold Smith
Recording Secretary, Sis. Ronnie Burgess